Book Editor
Mary Dillard


Molara Ogundipe
at Goree Island |
Current Issue
Submit your paper to JENdA: A Journal of Culture and
African Women Studies.
is now available by subscription
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subscriptions {at} africaknowledgeproject dot org for institutional
pricing. The price for individuals is available on JENdA
for Papers and Upcoming Deadlines
in Africa - January 11, 2011
the Stained Glass Ceiling: Women as Religious Leaders - May
1, 2011
Celebrating Women’s Legacies: African Women and Social
Transformation in a Global Context - April 30, 2011 (Title
and Abstract), August 31, 2011 (Paper)
and African Diasporan Women: Navigating the Perilous Journeys
of Migration April 30, 2011
To read current and back issues of JENdA journal, go to
Africa Knowledge Project, a valid subscription is required
to read the articles.
The journal is currently under the editorship
of Dr. Nkiru Nzegwu.
Dr. Mary Dillard continues as the Book Review
The journal previous co-editors were Dr. Mojubaolu
Okome and Dr. Oyeronke Oyewumi.
eight years of free access, the award-winning JENdA: A Journal
of Culture and African Women Studies (ISSN: 1530-5686) will
be going under subscription to meet the growing operational cost
of production. Old copies of the journal will not be free. The pdf version that is formatted, with
complete notes, pagination, and easier to read is available for
digital download at a minimal cost. As new technologies and standards
emerge, AfricaResource will be in a position to adapt our content
and tools, improve the software, enhance our services, and respond
to the annual costs of maintaining the Journal Download. To
accommodate the specific reading preferences of viewers, individual
articles of each issue will be available on a pay-per-view model
on AfricaResource.
for rights, permissions and reprints should be directed to AfricaResource.
by Africa Resource Center and directed by an all-African women team
of co-editors, this new ejournal represents in part an effort to occupy
and redefine the space of African Women's studies, a space initially
defined by white female scholars. Judging by the inaugural issue, Jenda
holds great promise, offering a large selection of interesting and engaging
essays and other content, much more than comparable print or online
journals." -- Michael de Nie, Director of Scout Report, University
of Wisconsin-Madison (March 3, 2001).
Women Political Leaders
Part I
Noteworthy Accomplishments
Copyright © Africa
Resource Center, Inc, 2000 - present.